Wednesday 3 January 2018

Left Behind Magazine Cover

When making this cover I was referring to my research on existing psychological thriller magazine covers. The red and white font being repeated creates synergy all over the cover, whilst linking to psychological thriller genre conventions. I edited the silhouette so it appears dark to create an eerie and mysterious mood that comes under known psychological conventions. 

This magazine's composition is entirely traditional as the image is centred. Magazine covers have their main photograph centred as it's the first thing the viewer is drawn to look at. I have used this image of the main female character because it is synergetic with our trailer. Also, I used a close up of a character because the characters would be recognisable enough to be associated with the film. In addition, this cover photo has the conventions of a psychological thriller as it has ominous visual effects. 

I have included pugs and gratifications as well as issue date, magazine price, website and a barcode. These are all features from known magazine covers that I have researched previously.