Monday 26 June 2017

Total Film Magazine Cover Analysis

Image result for psychological thriller film magazine cover
Complete Analysis

Masthead-Total Film is the biggest font on the page. Shows the viewer that there is a lot of exclusive information in this magazine so they don't need to look elsewhere. Hidden behind the main image is the publication that is so well known, the reader will recognise it on the shelf. The word film is included in the title to make it clear to readers what genre the magazine is.

The main colours used are red, white, silver and different tones of blue. The blue is used throughout for synergy and to link with the idea of a dark film. This appeals to a young adult audience with the main cinema demographic ranging from 18-25 year olds as the star power of Leonardo DiCaprio will intrigue this audience. Also, this young audience have more disposable income and fewer responsibilities.

Cover lines include advertisement for other films that are more for a male audience. This gets the readers attention to more films outlined inside the magazine. Use of white font ensures they are clear to read and the compact, slim looking font is used to suit male readers more than female or children.

Strapline is the title of the main featured film in capital letters and colours that match the masthead for synergy. One line underneath used to intrigue audience written in half the size of strapline font, white not silver to show it's not the main feature.

Barcode and publication company add institutional information small in bottom corner.

The iconography of what the main character is wearing connotes that he is a high class working man as he wears a monochrome suit with tie. He is not the average working man as he hold a cane and is wearing black leather gloves. This connotes that he is wealthy and he looks like a suspicious character as he is half hidden in the shadows which links to the psychological thriller genre.

Main image is positioned in the centre showing mid shot of main character in featured film. He is looking away from the camera slightly with his body facing directly toward the camera. This makes it clear to see he is wearing a suit and holding something in his hands that are placed in front of him. Background is blurred but adds context and does not blend with main image, making character more prominent which gives reader idea of his high importance.

Website for Total Film so reader can get more information. Relevant to contemporary audiences.

Question mark used on cover line placed underneath given website to intrigue reader and discover answers inside magazine issue.

Images not included when advertising other films of similar genres which makes the reader want to purchase magazine to find detailed images inside. Along the top of cover reads 'the mind blowing issue' all in red bold capitals used to get readers attention as it's first thing they see. The colour red has connotations of danger which automatically makes the reader read the top of the cover.

The design of the masthead looks futuristic as does the background but it fades into a hazy building on the left and what looks like a town setting on the bottom right. The expression on the main characters face looks intense which is exaggerated by how only parts of his face are lit up so we can see a lot of shadowing over him.

It is unusual that this cover doesn't have any pugs displayed on it but this means that the featured film is the most important film for the audience to know more about and watch. There are no magazine puffs included on the cover which is also strange but this tells the audience that the films advertised as cover lines are worth knowing about.

  This cover is good because of how the layout allows the viewer to mainly focus on the main photo advertising the featured film and the content includes really intriguing information to the reader, without giving a lot away. On the other hand, this cover does not advertise other films very well as there are no pugs which are usually found in the top corners of the page.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent media language used in your research and analysis of existing magazine covers Rachael. Well done.
