Thursday 15 June 2017

Love Letter Poster Remake

Original Poster                                                              Remake Of Poster

Masthead-Love Letter is the biggest font on the page because this is a poster to advertise the film. Allows the viewer to understand the whole poster objective. Behind the film title is a beach setting which gives the viewer an idea of what the genre is as a beach connotes romance. All of the most important fonts are in red which is associated with love, this gives the viewer an obvious idea on the genre. Especially as the film is includes love in the title.
The main colours used are red and white. The red is used throughout for synergy and to link with the idea of a romantic film. This appeals to a young adult audience with the main cinema demographic given as a certified 12 in the bottom right corner. Women will be more attracted to the synergy of this poster as the slim font all over looks elegant and the drawn on heart is feminine.

Strapline is a question relating to the film, typed in capitals and colours that match the masthead for synergy.

Actors names given at the bottom half of the poster allow the viewers to see if there favourite or if well known actors are in the film. This is use of star power to promote the film.

The iconography of what the main characters are wearing connotes that he is quite a casual dresser so probably middle class, and her outfit isn't shown which tells us it's not important. 

Images of the main two characters are faded into the background beach setting which connotes that they go on holiday in the film together. The way the male is positioned on the right shown as a mid shot portrays that he is contemplating something which makes the viewer wonder what is on his mind. The female is shown intensely reading a letter which also intrigues the viewer as they want to read the letter to see why it is so fascinating.

Website for Total Film so reader can get more information. Relevant to contemporary viewers.

Question mark used on cover line placed underneath title to intrigue reader and discover answers by watching the film.

The design of the masthead looks sophisticated as does the background but it fades into a hazy white so writing can be read easily on top. The expression on the males face looks 'smug' which connotes that he likes to entice the female character. Her expression looks slightly confused.

  This poster is good because of how the layout allows the viewer to see some detail as to where the film is located and the drawn on heart adds to the synergy as it links to the film title. On the other hand, this poster does not include any reviews from niche audiences so the viewers won't know other peoples opinion of the film.

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