Monday 23 October 2017

Analysis of Leave to Remain Trailer

Analysing Trailers: Leave to Remain -This is the link to the trailer. 

How many shots in total?
-There are 60 different camera shots within this trailer.
How long is it?

-This trailer is 1minute and 49 seconds long in total.
How many characters and narratives?
- 12 different characters are shown in this trailer, 3 seem to be main characters. There are 3 main narratives that appear to change slowly.    
How many settings?
-There are 8 obvious settings in total within this trailer.              
Where are they?
-The settings included are; the city, one of the main characters flat, security office, school (classroom), courtroom, a custody suite, mountainous area, and a river (canal boat). 

How many music tracks/sound effects?
-In the beginning there is a music track that sounds hopeful and calming. After 0:24 seconds in the trailer there is a dramatic track that is piano based which creates sympathy for characters.
How many inter titles?
-7 inter titles are included to ensure that the audience stay engaged to the trailer.
What information is on them?
-Firstly there is a question, "How far would you go to escape your past?". This engages the audience and makes them feel included. At 0:53 seconds it reads, "There lives depend on the story they tell".
-Bafta award for the film is included.
-Credits to ALT J for soundtrack.
-Reviews from magazines
Who is the target audience? What is your evidence?
-The target audience is difficult to know for this film, however, I would suggest that people of the age of 12 could watch this to learn about cultures and the problems that ethnically diverse people face. I believe this is aimed at people of a similar age to the characters because it will expand their knowledge of what different people face in the teenage years of their lives.  
Which camera shots are most used? Why?
-A lot of close ups are used so the audience can identify how the characters feel in different situations.
Which editing techniques are used? Why?
-Jump cuts are important when showing parts of the synopsis clearly. Also, framing is key to what the audience see e.g. emotions, physical harm.
Is the editing chronological?
-No, because this would give too much of the film away to the audience. Only key scenes are shown but not really dramatic ones. 
What else have you noticed?
-Translation of certain words into English subtitles- "You took everything away" to which the other boy replies "There was no choice for me. At 1:01 "If you say anything, I will kill you" is subtitled, connoting that there is violence within the film. 

All of these screen grabs show the key areas of the trailer I have focussed on in detail. For example, some photos show main characters who feature within the trailer. Also, some display the various locations used within the film. Other screen grabs show various reviews of the film, or inter titles embedded between the quick pace glimpses of the narrative. The title of the film "Leave To Remain" comes up at the very end of the trailer in it's own iconography. This is so the audience stay intrigued to the trailer and have to watch it all before knowing the title.

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