Sunday 23 July 2017

The Circle Trailer Analysis

-High advances in technology is shown which will attract an adult audience as they haven't experiences growing up with technology around them
-Straight away the audience is drawn into part of the film so we are introduced to some main characters
-Star power of Emma Watson, Tom Hanks, Karen Gillan and John Boyega will intrigue fans
-Tracking shots allow audience to establish the characters surroundings which makes them feel involved in the film
-Release date tells viewer when they can see the film
-'Join us', group of people like a cult wanting others to be part of their institution-narrative portrayal
-Voice over from characters explaining narrative further to avoid confusion within audiences
-Piano music is inspirational but it cuts out to intense music which seems threatening
-Official website shown at the end so audience can research more about the film
-Directors name included so audience are interested in who it is
-Very modern settings appeal to younger audience
-Close up of Emma to keep fans satisfied
-Zoom in on emma entering setting to make it obvious that she is the main character in the film
-Tension building music as plotline intensifies
-Shot reverse shot editing keeps audience involved in the film
-Cross cutting editing when we are shown the stage and Emma connoting her importance
-Slow pace editing builds to fast which keeps audience intrigued
-Red connotes danger and the logo suggests a cult

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