Saturday 4 November 2017

Complete Narrative for Psychological Thriller Film -Zoe Firth

Zoe and I thought it would make more sense to create our own complete psychological thriller synopsis so we could then pick key impactful scenes to include in our trailer. This allows us to construct a non continuity structure easier as we know the full chronological order first.

We draw out a timeline on a whiteboard which depicts the key events within our film.

For clarity, the whiteboard reads;
  1. Girls playing in the playground (Best friends) 
  2. One girl comes home, has dinner, goes to bed like normal
  3. Mum can't find her in the morning
  4. Mum rings police
  5. News report... (several kids have gone missing)
  6. Mum tells the girls best friend that she's missing
  7. Best friend goes crazy looking for her friends (psychological) (Drawn out main part)
  8. She is convinced she is next
  9. Hands come out form under her bed... she ignores it 
  10. It happens again but no one believes her
  11. The hands get her
  12. She goes missing

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