Friday 10 November 2017

Left Behind Pitch with Feedback

When we presented our pitch to our teachers and our peers they gave us some feedback on areas to improve:
  • Include specific locations we plan to use and why
  • Mention and explain our USP
  • Talk about potential props
  • Link everything back to our research
  • Don't include screams in our film as it is a cliché convention from the horror genre
To take on this feedback we thought that making extra slides would show clear improvement. If we were given more time to create a PowerPoint then we would have included these slide to add more specific detail to our pitch:

We have planned to use empty and abandoned locations as in our research we found this element was frequently used. For example, in 'The Abandoned (2015)', the featured setting is an abandoned apartment block which is creepy as it makes the audience wonder how it was abandoned to begin with. Thrillers usually use locations that the audience can relate to as they seem familiar to daily life. This is effective as the audience will be concerned that a chilling event could happen to them. An example of this is 'The Girl on the Train (2016)' because commuters will be concerned about events from the psychological thriller becoming reality.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Rachael, clearly presented pitch and accompanying ideas. RSC
