Thursday 30 November 2017

Filming Schedule Planning

We recording ourselves discussing the possible schedule for filming our different actors. Also, we mentioned non continuity editing and what parts of the synopsis to film in daylight. In addition, we think that one day will be enough to film the character Sophie (friend who goes missing) and her mother, another single day will be enough to film the shots that include the character Jenny (friend who goes psycho). The montage clips which will include establishing shots of settings and props, we are able to film these in our own time as long as we edit them into all of the footage appropriately. These montage clips won't be clear to the audience which adds an element of mystery so the trailer will be enticing as the audience will want to understand the context. We plan for these clips to be fitting to the psychological thriller genre; linking back to our research on The Snowman and The Girl on the Train.

Furthermore, Zoe and I believe that  filming in the dark will enhance the thrilling atmosphere that the audience will be apart of when watching our trailer. However, we may face some technical issues as the DSLR camera requires light to capture good quality footage. So, to overcome these issues we will film inside scenes when it is beginning to get dark outside, allowing the camera to record in good quality. To ensure that our trailer isn't categorised as a horror we will include psychological thriller conventions throughout and film in dim light. When editing we will add a filter to create an eerie mood.

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