Saturday 30 December 2017

Evaluation 3

What Have You Learnt From Your Audience Feedback?

Draft One Feedback
After creating our first draft of our trailer we were told to add;
  • Sound effects for impact
  • Suspense building music that continues throughout
  • Quicker shots which give glimpse of narrative
Draft Two Feedback
When we had adjusted our trailer to meet all of the feedback from our first draft, to improve we were told to;
  • Add visual effects to the trailer
  • Intersperse shorter clips with longer ones
  • Ensure the focal points are clear
Draft Three Feedback

For draft three of our trailer we took on board all the previous feedback and were told that quickening the clips and splitting up the footage more will allow us to have a final draft. Also, one student was confused about why the trailer is called 'Left Behind' so we added a clip of a hand written note on a chalkboard that reads 'you've been left behind'. This is to ensure that our trailer links to it's title.     

Draft Four Feedback

For some audience feedback I posted our trailer on Facebook which is a social media platform used by millions of people worldwide. Zoe was able to share my post so we could gather even more feedback from as many people as possible. I have print screened all of the comments to post it on Blogger, the bottom image is feedback from Zoe's share. All comments from people were positive like, " Very good trailer. Brings up a lot of suspense especially towards the end. Nice use of threat space". We intended to stick to psychological thriller conventions and tried to steer away from the horror genre as much as possible. One comment tells us we were successful at doing so, "Music creates great tension it had me on edge.. I want to know more! The pills! the drink! WHAT'S GOING ON". Also, we tried our best to include a lot of miscellaneous shots from our inspiration from 'The Snowman' research. It appears that we were successful at not giving away too much of the narrative, "it is a beautiful video and captivates you without giving away the plot like most trailers tend to do nowadays, love it x".

These positive comments aid us to know that we were successful in achieving what we aspired too. Facebook was a really good way to present our trailer as we can see statistics of who liked/commented and shared it. In under 24 hours we received 80+ interactions on our Facebook posts and over 350 viewed our trailer altogether. Audience feedback has taught us how to directly address our target audience of young adults. We have appealed to our demographic as well. Facebook was really helpful as it got interactions from people who fit our audience specification. 
Final Draft Feedback
For our finished product we were told that;
  • Build up of suspense is good
  • Enigma code is well established
  • Effective ending
  • Quick cuts work alongside music
  • Intrigues audience to see complete film
  • Makes audience 'glued' to the screen  
If we were ever to create a psychological thriller trailer again, we would;
  • Add more voiceovers
  • Include more inter-titles

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