Sunday 17 December 2017

Psychological Thriller Posters

These are two examples of psychological thriller posters. Both of these posters display close ups of what the audience can assume are the main characters of the films. The 'Before I Go To Sleep' poster is of three different faces which creates a split meaning connoting that the characters are not completely stable. Linking to the psychological thriller genre as they are portrayed as broken. The female character in the middle has a middle parting in her hair which makes the image appear structured. Also, it allows the audience to focus on her eyes which are contrasting to the male characters darker eyes. 

Similarly, within the 'Black Swan' poster her eyes are emphasised due to how she is wearing fake eyelashes and dark eye makeup. In addition, from both posters we can see that the characters mouths are straight connoting that they are focussed and serious characters. This links to psychological thriller conventions as the main roles within films of this genre are seen as determined. The crack shown on the woman's face in the 'Black Swan' poster connotes that she feels broken, and the fact her neck is exposed expresses that she is a vulnerable character within this film. This vulnerability links in with typical psychological thriller conventions.

The black and white font used on both posters contrast against the main image so the viewer can obviously read the film titles. Also, the titles are all in capital letters which makes them stand out and appear bold to the viewer. The skinny font used on both posters is a key genre convention as it looks creepy, so links to the thrilling aspect of the genre. Included on the posters are reviews, which show the viewer how popular and highly rated the film is. Actor names, which advertise the film as a blockbuster whilst giving it star power so the viewer will be intrigued by what the famous actors roles are. Billing block gives a lot of institutional information that is required for the advertisement of mass films. Also, both include 'coming soon' at the bottom so the viewer is enticed to when the release date actually is.
This poster is showing the viewer a direct clip from the film/trailer, and it is not of a close up of the main character. I have included this poster within m reasearch as it is more like what I want to achieve. Also, it is landscape so is different to a majority of film posters. In addition, it is different to conventional psychological thriller posters due to how bright and blank the main image is. Furthermore, the viewers focal point is on the male character, but the blood in the corner is very vibrant so it's obvious. The photo is a still from the film which helps audiences identify what film it is from, thus increasing revenue. 

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