Monday 11 December 2017

Target Audience Analysis

The target audience for our Left Behind trailer is boys and girls between the ages of seventeen to twenty five. Our film is certified as a 15, though our main demographics shown are seventeen/eighteen. This is so that the range of audience is widened and we would receive more revenue. Teenagers aged seventeen will find the psychological thriller genre more intriguing than those younger. Audiences younger than 15 may not understand the content of our film due to the non chronological order of the trailer that promotes it.
The trailer will target younger audiences because they have easy access to the internet (where it will be) and social medias which will be advertising the trailer. The film will appeal to both male and female audiences as we have included vulnerable teenage girls which is a classic convention used to keep male audiences interested. Females who like suspense films will be enticed as they will put themselves inside the shows of the main female lead, bringing more impact to the audiences experience.

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