Monday 18 December 2017

Psychological Magazine Covers

These are examples of psychological thriller films being displayed on magazine front covers.

This top magazine cover is advertising 'psycho'. It has the main title in bold capitals letters that are in an orange font, which matches the magazine masthead. Filling the cover is an image of the main character within the film advertised. Within our magazine cover, we will consider doing this by using an image which has a synergetic link to our trailer. Placed around the character's close up is advertisement for other films of a similar genre so the viewer can depict what films are available to watch around the same time. In addition, at the bottom of the magazine cover there are famous actors who are assumably involved in the making or acting of the main film 'psycho'. This cover has its own original synergy as the blue background looks as though it has cracks in it which link to creepy psychological thriller genre conventions.     
This magazine cover uses similar colours to the top one as these colours are eye catching to the consumer. The masthead is placed behind the main image as in the first cover, and it seems that the main characters is who fills the page. 'Shutter Island' is what this film is advertsing. The colour red connotes danger and it matches other areas of the cover so the synergy is apparent to the viewer. One other film 'Avatar' is advertised on the right hand side, the colour blue contrasts with red as it is calming and mysterious.

For our magazine cover displaying 'Left Behind' we will use a creative alternative to a centred main character because, we find that showing the main character is unsuitable as no atttachment is made to any one role within our trailer. We will include a barcode as this is generically found on the front of a issued magazine.

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