Monday 25 December 2017

Music and Sound Effects in Left Behind Trailer -Zoe Firth

This is the soundtrack we will use for our psychological thriller trailer due to it creating an unsettling atmosphere. Also, it creates tension and suits the genre. We plan to edit the clip, separate the sounds, and disperse them throughout to gradually build drama.

We found that finding royalty free music for our trailer was really difficult. So, we found the majority of these clips on YouTube because they were free to download and use. Other sound effects we used are ambulance sirens, dramatic piano music, and static.

In addition, all of our other sounds include within our first draft were either diegetic dialogue or re-recorded, dubbed over. For example, when Jenny was knocking at the door, the sound was added in afterwards, yet Sophie blew out the candle when I was recording.

Our trailers music has taken inspiration from our 'The Girl on the Train' research as it builds up then suddenly stops which creates a chilling atmosphere.

We want to achieve rhythmic editing throughout so we will ensure that each clips lines up with the music build ups. This requires syncing the editing pace with the beats of the soundtrack. Also, this is a common convention within the psychological thriller genre as it builds tension.

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