Thursday 20 July 2017

AS Gossip Poster

This is a poster I have created to advertise my AS film gossip. I have taken inspiration from other posters I have researched which has helped me with how to layout my poster and what to include on it. Title is in the biggest  font at the top of the page as it is the first thing my viewer will read. It is in a bold, feminine looking font, especially because it is pale pink as is all of the text for synergy. Pink largely connotes that this film is targeted at a female audience which works really well as the film genre is teen angst and it is rated a 12A (certificate in bottom right corner). I think the genre is quite obvious because of the shown rivalry between the main characters which connotes drama within the film, particularly as the girl on the right looks disgusted at the other girl, but the brunette is oblivious and smiling. The fact they are back to back connotes that they have some issues with each other but are still touching which connotes they are close friends despite their problems.

The billing block placed below the title includes actors names, directors, editors and the production company. Underneath the block are the production company logos which is part of the institutional information. Release date displayed at the bottom of the poster in bold to match the title at the top for synergy, and intrigues viewer to watch the film when it is out as the target audience is teenage girls whom will be available in summer time for the films time at the box office.

Tagline has comedic value as it links to the conventions of the title and I have included an exclamation mark so it exaggerates the teen angst genre. Blue is really vibrant which will attract a younger audience because they are attracted to bright colours as appose to an adult audience who wouldn't care so much.

Main characters are wearing the same outfits in this film poster as they are in the AS opening sequence to create a synergistic link between the two and to ensure this poster looks as if it is advertising the same film as I did for AS. Also, the characters are recognisable in this poster due to their appearances, particularly their outfits.  

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