Tuesday 18 July 2017

Sight & Sound Cover Research

Masthead-Sight & Sound is the biggest font on the page along with the strapline. Shows the viewer that there is a lot of exclusive information in this magazine so they don't need to look elsewhere. Main character from the image is behind publication that is so well known, the reader will recognise it on the shelf. The title is in black font which seems boring but is eye catching as it's in a yellow box with a red 'and' sign.

The main colours used are white, black, yellow and red. Yellow boxes have important information for seller such as barcode and institutional information. Grey background behind main character is to ensure viewers attention is not taken away from all the information and featured interview.

Cover lines include advertisement for other films of similar genre to featured film and broadcasting of known actors talk about in magazine issue. Strapline is a directors name in capital letters and colours that match the cover lines for synergy.

The iconography of what the main character is wearing connotes that he is a wealthy man as leather is expensive. Colour black is all he is wearing, connotes mystery and authority. Contrasts with his grey hair and blue eyes that are looking directly into the camera, making audiences feel intrigued as he looks conspicuous.

Main image is positioned slightly to the right showing close up of main character in magazine interview. He is looking at the camera completely focussed with his body facing directly toward the camera. This makes it clear to see he is wearing a leather jacket. Background is a blank grey but adds context and does not blend with main image at all, making character more prominent which gives reader idea of his high importance.

Website for magazine is not included on this cover, neither are any pugs so no films are advertised by photos. This could make viewers uninterested because they have to read the given information about other films to then look inside the issue to see photos.

Question marks used on some cover lines placed on the left of the cover. Leaves audience questions so they want to look in the issue to discover answers inside magazine issue.

The design of the masthead looks simple as does the background but it means focus is on the featured main character. This connotes that he is very important, especially as his name makes the strapline and underneath that it gives the viewers hints to what he talks about within the issue, making them want to buy the issue.

This cover does not include pugs displayed anywhere on the page, however it is obvious that the featured information from the character is the most important for the audience to know more about. There are no magazine puffs included on the cover which is strange but this tells the audience that the films advertised as cover lines are worth knowing about.

  This cover is good because of how the layout allows the viewer to focus on the main photo and the content includes really intriguing information to the reader, without giving a lot away. Very different to other magazine covers I have researched as it is advertising an interview instead of featuring a film. Cronenburg is mainly known for being in films of the horror genre, he is a film maker and his interview could be covering a variety of topics so this interests the viewer.




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