Wednesday 19 July 2017

Remake Of Full Metal Jacket Poster

Original                                                                                  Remake

The main colours used for this poster are black, red and camo which makes it appear ghastly as red connotes blood and black connotes death. Expresses the conventional iconography of war, especially because the photo is of a helmet that is filled with bullets. Title of the film displayed is in a bold black font that is very masculine which links to how only men were able to go to war.

Image is of a war helmet that looks like a piranha connoting danger to make the audience feel scared. Connotes that the genre is action due to when a helmet would be worn. In addition, the dark colours further connote the horrible realism of war that is obviously expressed massively in this film advertised.

Along the top of this poster is a humorous line which contrasts to how serious the film is. Also, it expresses how people resort to humour when faced with difficult or serious situations in life. All of the billing block information is in black along with the title and written line at the top to match for synergy. The black and white colour scheme of this poster makes it look simple which leads the audience to focus on the main image.

At the bottom of the poster is institutional information, directors name, production company and the billing block. All included in small font because it is a lot of important information to fit in one section.

This poster could be taken offensive in the sense that people who actually went to war may find the humorous line too insensible as it could come across as a mindless way to intrigue an audience into watching a serious film that may be a documentary, but this is not clear.

Overall, I think this poster is impactful by the photo that is used placed central. It gives the audience a sense of what is to come in the film advertised. On the other hand, release date is not shown.

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