Tuesday 18 July 2017

Beauty And The Beast Poster Research

The main colour used for this poster is blue which makes it appear really peaceful and a bit mysterious. Expresses the conventional iconography of Disney, especially because of the princess looking castle on the right in the background. Title of the film displayed is in a ornate golden, slim font placed in the centre of the poster in the largest font on the page.

Images are of all of the main characters within the film, they are almost placed symmetrically around the centre picture showing a female character holding a set of candles in front of a stained glass window that connotes the film is high classed. Also, what all the characters are wearing tells us that they are of high class so are wealthy, the colours red and gold connote high power.

In addition, the beast character connotes that it is a fairy tale story, the girl holding the rose tells us that it is a romantic film because roses are associated with love. This contrasts to how dark the beastly character is which connotes that he is feeling pain or upset. 

Along the top of this poster are actors names, starting with well known Emma Watson for star power to intrigue audience. Names are in slim capital letters with the surnames bigger than the forenames, golden to match film title for synergy. Also in gold is the release date at the bottom of the page to ensure that it is noticeable as it is important information, gold for synergy too.

At the bottom of the poster is institutional information, advertisement for 3D and IMAX screenings, directors name, production company and the billing block. All included in small font because it is a lot of important information.

This poster could be taken offensive in the sense that wealthy men are overweight , the gay character is posing in a feminine way, the women are wearing a lot of make up and corsets, connoting they care a lot about their appearance. These are all very stereotypical representations of people but they suit what time period this film is set in.

Overall, I think this poster is impactful with the colours and layout used. It gives the audience a sense of what is to come in the film advertised.

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