Sunday 23 July 2017

Deadpool Trailer Analysis

-Website is included at the end so viewers can research more information
-Production company and 20th Century Fox
-Genre is romance/comedy
-Action packed trailer entices audience
-Red connotes danger/love
-Title of film is included to make obvious to audience
-Release date shown to ensure audience know when they can see the film

Mise en scene
-Close up of superhero mask
-Marvel brand intrigues fandom
-Guns and weapons show violence

-Fade to black between shots against drum music enhance drama
-Slow motion walking for dramatic effect to show audience importance of main character
-Explosion connoting danger and importance
-Jump cuts of violence show suffering
-Slow motion flips connoting Deadpool is unstoppable
-Fast pace to keep audiences interested

-Music cuts out for comedy lines because they're important and humorous
-Upbeat rnb music suits genre
-Breaking fourth wall to bring audience into the film
-Diegetic knives and gun sounds connote powerful violence
-Cross cutting of scenes intrigues audience to keep focus
-Diegetic car and siren sounds connote danger and trouble

-Over the shoulders shots when characters are talking used to make audience feel involved
-Reynolds is framed in the centre in majority of shots which shows his importance
-Ryan Reynolds has a lot of screen time, star power to intrigue audience

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