Friday 14 July 2017

Assassin Poster Research

This posters main colours are orange, red, white, blue and green which looks as if they represent the four elements earth being the green, fire being the orange and red, air being the white clouds and water being the blue. The elements theme may be giving a clue to the viewers abut what the plot is includes. The main title is written in a small, slim white font almost central but not quite.

The information at the bottom is in a really small font making it difficult to read but ensuring that it is not the most important information for the viewer to read on the poster. In the centre of the bottom half of the poster it reads 'best foreign language film' which promotes it as the viewer will be interested in why it is such good film.

At the top of the poster there is a positive review about the film advertised which was written by someone from a niche audience as includes that it was shown in the Cannes Film Festival, was rated popular there. This review is placed where the viewer first looks when seeing the poster.  

Main image is of a girl looking away from the camera holding a weapon in her hand and pointing it to the ground. She looks like a warrior type of character which is connoted through how she is wearing all black, links to the title.

The red font used against her black dress works well and goes with the synergy of the whole poster. Also, the white font is very prominent as the image is quite dark, contrast gets the viewers attention. 

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